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Capgemini eassy topics + Interview experience

Capgemini eassy topics Interview Questions
Selection Process of Company
first Aptitude online test, Communication (Essay) test followed by Technical and HR Interview 
Exam Pattern and Time Duration
16 questions from quantitative and another 16 questions from logical reasoning respectively. Time Duration 50 mins and 1 Essay writing (30 mins)

Online Test Topics
Time and Speed Distance , Boats and Streams, Work and Time, Flow charts, Ages, Ratio and Proportion, simple interest, profit loss, Cubes, Calenders **Question from series completion 8,54,192,500,? what is the next number in the given sequence
Capgemini Latest Eassy Topics
  1. Are corrupt but efficient politicians better thn honest but inefficient politicians
  2. Are we too depend on computers?
  3. Education - Importance in development of a country
  4. Your first campus interview experience
  5. Your favorite sports person
  6. My Best friend

Interview experience 
It was good. In Technical interview : questions like explain your project, difference between c and c++ and in HR: introduce yourself, will you relocate, what are your strengths,  why your CGPA is low?


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Capgemini eassy topics + Interview experience Capgemini eassy topics + Interview experience Reviewed by @NA on 8:41:00 PM Rating: 5


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