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Innoeye Online Test Placement Papers

Innoeye Online Test Placement Papers
InnoEye Placement Questions Papers & Answers 
InnoEye is an engineering focused organization with strong commitment to make clients successful by partnering on technology challenges.

Question 1- Convert a Decimal Number to Binary & Count the Number of 1s

Question 2- You have a int [ ] arr with elements, find the sum of two numbers that is nearest to 0,
Example is int [ ] arr= {1, 2, 3, 4} then sum is 1+2 as these are two nearest no to zero.

Question 3- Suppose you have a string array like { "10","20"," Rajani","Odisha"," Berhampur","90"} then output is sum=10+20+90 =120;

Question 4-There is a big table named customer with different column names, one of the column is state ,the query is like that: write a query to count the no of customers according to states, example
Example:  No-Customers   State
                      2                   Odessa
                      5                   Telengana

Question 5- Count the number of customers from Arizona in customers table.

Question 6- There was a table named Employee table, Write a query to display no of employees joined on the hire date with descending order(hire date),
Example:  No_of_Employees     HireDate
                     2                                15-08-2000
                     3                                02-10-2002
1                                                     03-11-2005

Question: 2 men and 3 women finish 25% of the work in 4 days, while 6 men and 14 women can finish the whole work in 5 days. In how many days will 20 women finish it?
(      a)    20 (b) 25 (c) 24 (d) 88 (e) 18

Question: Opposite Meaning for AGARIAN
a) suburban
b) Cosmic
c) Areal
d) Urban

Question: If A is the brother of B; B is the sister of C; and C is the father of D, how D is related to A?
a) Brother
b) Sister
c) Nephew
d) Cannot be determined

Pointing to a girl Sandeep said, "She is the daughter of the only sister of my father." How is sandeep related to the girl?
a) Uncle
b) Cousin
c) Father
d) Grandfather

One morning after sunrise, Suresh was standing facing a pole. The shadow of the pole fell exactly to his right. To which direction was he facing?
A. East
D.Data is inadequate

Pointing towards a man, a woman said, "His mother is the only daughter of my mother." How is the woman related to the man?
A. Mother
B. Grandmother
C. Sister
D. Daughter
Sachin walks 20 km towards North. He turns left and walks 40 km. He again turns left and walks 20 km. Finally he moves 20 km after turning to the left. How far is he from his starting position?
A. 20 km.
B. 30 km.
C. 50 km.
D. 60 km.


Video round questions:
1) Describe about your academics and family background.
2) Describe about your project, technology used and no of members.
3) HttpServletRequest methods
5) Javascript
6) Thread
7) Normalisation
8) Linux
9) OS
10) Networking

Selection Process of InnoEye:

Round 1: Online Objective & Programming Test of 240 minutes of time duration, this round has 4 sections

Section 1: Aptitude test or English Grammar test (30 Question 30 Minutes)

Here you will get only one of them, either Aptitude or English Grammar test, aptitude section contains simple questions based on blood relation, coding decoding, direction sense, seating arrangement etc. and it has only logical thinking questions, very less arithmetic questions will be there. On other side English grammar test contains synonyms, antonyms, sentence correction, change of voice etc.

Section 2:  Java coding test (30 Question 30 Minutes)

In this section maximum number of questions based on finding output of given java snippet, It is very easy round.

Section 3: Computer fundamental (10 Question 10 Minutes)

This section covers Core Java and OOPS, Operating System, Networks, Data Structures, Databases etc.

Section 4: Descriptive questions SQL+JAVA (6 Questions 90 Minutes)

In this section 3 SQL questions and 3 Java questions will come, you need to do compile and run to get the output. In Java String handling questions were asked, In SQL questions were focused on order by and group by with use of sub query.

Round 2: It is a video round. You will get 10 questions; this questions same to all candidates

Round 3: Technical Interview with focus on Computer science fundamentals, Java programming and College Projects
Innoeye Online Test Placement Papers Innoeye Online Test Placement Papers Reviewed by Placement Papers Hub on 10:45:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. ANS
    class Find
    public static void main(String[] args)
    int sum=0;
    int i;
    String [] arr = {"10","20","Rajani","Odisha","berhampur","90"};
    int [] a = new int[arr.length];
    for ( i=0;i<arr.length ;i++ )
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(arr[i]);
    a[i] =Integer.parseInt(sb.toString());
    catch(Exception e){

    for ( i=0;i<a.length ; i++)

    sum= sum+a[i];


  2. import java.util.*;

    public class Sum{
    public static void main(String args[]){
    String[] A={"1","sf[","13","2s3","4"};
    int sum=0;
    for(int i=0;!A[i].equals(null);i++)
    int a=Integer.parseInt(A[i]);
    catch(Exception e){}
    }}catch(Exception ex){}


  3. This is the shortest code ;
    public class NewClass
    public static void main(String [] arg)
    int sum=0,i;
    String [] arr={"10","20","ram","shyam","30"};
    catch(Exception e)

    by :lalit chaturvedi

    1. Thank you for you help! Kindly submit your complete interview experience with us #PlacementPapersHub, and get rewarded*

  4. He faces in the west direction (reasoning question shadow of pole ..)

  5. After Question 6
    All aptitude answer follow
    7.(a)20 Women
    8.(d) urban
    9 (d) cn be d
    10. (b) cousin
    11. (b) south
    12. (a) mother
    13. (a) 20km
    14. 96

  6. He face in the south direction is the correct answer


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